Comprehensive treatment of stage III grade C generalized periodontitis in a type II diabetic patient
Luigi Barbato
Two different mucogingival approaches to treat full-mouth gingival recessions
RiproduciTwo different mucogingival approaches to treat full-mouth gingival recessions
Antonio Nobili
Treatment of periodontitis stage IV grade C and RT2 and RT3 gingival recessions
RiproduciTreatment of periodontitis stage IV grade C and RT2 and RT3 gingival recessions
Eddy Shan
Systemic impact of periodontal therapy in a stage III generalized grade C periodontitis
RiproduciSystemic impact of periodontal therapy in a stage III generalized grade C periodontitis
Claudia Sola
The periodontal job: Diagnosis, psychological approach and clinical decisions are patient's tailored factors of the success
RiproduciThe periodontal job: Diagnosis, psychological approach and clinical decisions are patient's tailored factors of the success
Carlo De Annuntiis
Comprehensive treatment of stage III grade C generalized periodontitis in a type II diabetic patient
RiproduciComprehensive treatment of stage III grade C generalized periodontitis in a type II diabetic patient
Luigi Barbato
Aesthetic treatment of excessive gingival gisplay with crown lengthening procedure
RiproduciAesthetic treatment of excessive gingival gisplay with crown lengthening procedure
Emilio Fiorentino
Treatment of amelogenesis imperfecta with periodontal and prosthetic approach in a young patient
RiproduciTreatment of amelogenesis imperfecta with periodontal and prosthetic approach in a young patient
Dario Marasca
Multidisciplinary treatment of stade IV grade C periodontitis patient with MINST, periodontal regeneration, hard and soft tissue augmentation, dental implants and prosthetic restoration
RiproduciMultidisciplinary treatment of stade IV grade C periodontitis patient with MINST, periodontal regeneration, hard and soft tissue augmentation, dental implants and prosthetic restoration
Federico Rivara
Management of a patient with deep infrabony defects and endo-periodontal lesion with combined approaches
RiproduciManagement of a patient with deep infrabony defects and endo-periodontal lesion with combined approaches
Giampiero Dinota
Comprehensive management of a Stage IV, Grade C periodontitis patient
RiproduciComprehensive management of a Stage IV, Grade C periodontitis patient
Marco Merli